


据悉,现任马士基中西非区域总裁(分管尼日利亚、贝宁、尼日尔、多哥和加纳),曾在马士基中国青岛,广州有过任职经历的Gildas Tohouo Tohouo 先生一家遭遇歹徒袭击,妻子不幸身亡,Tohouo先生重伤在医院抢救医护,三个小孩安全。

We’re very sorry to substantiate {that a} colleague and his family have been attacked in their residence in Lagos, Nigeria throughout the night of eight December 2019.

In accordance with him, Tragically, the spouse of our colleague handed away on the scene. Our colleague is in the hospital, the place his situation is crucial however secure. The three kids are all secure and accounted for.

Our ideas and deepest sympathy go to the family. We are going to do no matter we will to help them in this tragedy。



▲Gildas Tohouo Tohouo


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