

US Adults Are Spending Big on Video Games




导读:美国唯一致力于为游戏机、PC和网络游戏发行商服务,满足它们商业和公共事务需求的协会---美国娱乐软件协会(ESA)--- 访问了4000名游戏玩家,发现:美国游戏玩家的平均年龄是33岁,超过1.64亿人在玩电子游戏,占美国所有成人数量的近65%;最流行的游戏是休闲游戏———有简单的规则、不需要费太多时间或技能就能玩的活动。2018年美国消费者在游戏上花了约434亿美金;大多数钱用在买不同的游戏,不是电脑软件或游戏配件;最火的三大付费游戏是:“使命召唤:黑行动3”、“红死救赎2”(或译为《荒野大镖客:救赎2》)和“NBA 2K19”。受访者说:电子游戏能让他们缓解工作和其他日常的各项压力。苹果和谷歌已经宣布今年晚些时候开始流媒体游戏直播服务的计划。

1)The average American gamer is 33 years old and likes to play video games on their smartphone. And the average gamer is spending on games more each year: 20 percent more than one year ago and 85 percent more than in 2015.


video game:a game in which you press buttons to control and move images on a screen 电子游戏(玩家按动不同按钮来进行控制、挪动屏幕上的画面的游戏)

2)That information comes from a report by the Entertainment Software Association, or ESA, a group that represents computer software and gaming companies. Ipsos, a market research company, questioned about 4,000 gamers for the ESA report.



美国娱乐软件协会(The Entertainment Software Association,缩写为ESA)是1994年由业界领袖企业联手成立的。它是美国唯一致力于为游戏机、PC和网络游戏发行商服务,满足它们商业和公共事务需求的协会。2004年,ESA会员的销售总额占了全美娱乐软件73亿美元销售额的90%!它们还向全球各地出口了数十亿美元的娱乐软件。ESA为交互式娱乐软件发行商提供了一系列服务,包括全球范围的反盗版活动、商业和消费者研究、政府公关,并一直在知识产权保护方面进行着不懈的努力等。ESA 还拥有和运营电子娱乐展会,即E3展(Electronic Entertainment Expo)。

3)In the United States, more than 164 million people play video games. That represents nearly 65 percent of all U.S. adults. The most popular kind of game is the casual game – activities that have simple rules and do not require much time or skill.


4)American consumers spent around $43.4 billion on gaming in 2018. Most of that money was used to buy games, not computer hardware or gaming accessories. The three most popular pay-to-play games were "Call of Duty: Black Ops III," "Red Dead Redemption II," and "NBA 2K19.”

2018年美国消费者在游戏上花了约434亿美金;大多数钱用在买不同的游戏,不是电脑软件或游戏配件;最火的三大付费游戏是:“使命召唤:黑行动3”、“红死救赎2”(或译为《荒野大镖客:救赎2》)和“NBA 2K19”。

accessory: Accessories are items of equipment that are not usually essential, but which can be used with or added to something else in order to make it more efficient, useful, or decorative. 附件;配件;附属物

5)”Games are striking an important chord with American culture," said Stanley Pierre-Louis, ESA's acting president. "That's what makes it the leading form of entertainment today.”

美国娱乐软件协会(ESA)的代理主席Stanley Pierre-Louis说:“游戏与美国文化不谋而合,这让游戏成为如今美国娱乐的主导形式。”

6)More than three-fourths of those asked report that video games provide them with mental activity as well as an escape from work and other day-to-day pressures.


7)About 46 percent of all U.S. gamers are female, although they often like different games than boys and men do.


8)Americans will soon have even more ways to play video games. Two U.S.-based technology companies, Apple and Alphabet Inc's Google, have announced plans to launch game streaming services later this year.

